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Collection Verschuren

A unique collection of historical garden roses.

All of them bred by all generations of Verschuren rose growers from Haps (NL.).
Our story

Collection Verschuren

The oldest rose from the Collection Verschuren dates from 1899. So roses with a story. World-class roses, but with Brabant roots. Brought together and cultivated with love; in the most beautiful colours.
And those smells… pure nostalgia! Available as shrub roses, climbing roses and on a standard. Everything in 5.5 liter pots.

Direct sales from the nursery: every Saturday from 09:00 to 12:00 (March to November) or by telephone appointment (+31 485-314603).

Rosa Verschuren

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Etoile de Hollande

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Sinds 1899

Een must voor de rozenliefhebber!

De verzameling rozen van de Collectie Verschuren® is te koop via de kwekerij tijdens onze openingstijden; van maart t/m november op zaterdag van 9-12 uur of na een telefonische afspraak.

Roses from the Verschuren® Collection & roses for public green areas

Our collection of garden roses is special for several reasons. For example, these rose varieties have all been bred by all generations of the well-known Verschuren rose growers from Haps. The oldest rose in the Verschuren collection dates from 1899. So nostalgic rose varieties, born out of pure passion for the flower. Thanks to its flourishing cultural history, the Verschuren Collection is a valuable addition to public beds and parks. There they can tell the story of the Hapse Rozen history, possibly supported by a nice information board.

More background information see: Collection Verschuren®.

Royal Nurseries H.A. Sanding & Zonen supplies a wide range of roses.

Collection Verschuren